How to Stop Child Labour – Bal Raksha Bharat

If you are wondering how to stop child labour, partnering with a reliable NGO working towards the same cause can be a beneficial solution. When it comes to organisations undertaking initiatives for children’s well-being, Bal Raksha Bharat (also known as Save the Children) stands strong by playing a crucial role in protecting vulnerable children and upholding their rights. Through the implementation of diverse projects across India, this organisation takes a proactive approach to addressing the menace of child labour. Their initiatives include enrolling at-risk children in Bridge Learning Programmes, enhancing the quality of school education, operating Activity Centres to prepare them for formal schooling, and establishing ‘Children’s Groups’ that empower these youngsters to advocate for their own rights.

Furthermore, by connecting children and their families to social welfare schemes, Bal Raksha Bharat breaks the cycle of exploitation and paves the way for a brighter future for these innocent souls. The collaborative efforts of organisations like Bal Raksha Bharat offer significant answers to the question of “how to stop child labourand help create a more compassionate and equitable society.

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